Where is the Bakery?

In the Pyes Pa shopping centre on 83 Pyes Pa Road, in between Barks corner & Aquinas College.

What is a Dr Alison?

Dr Alison is one of our most nutritional breads containing Purple wholemeal, Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds which are full of antioxidants. This bread was created to help issues with bloating and gluten issues some get with standard bread.

How long has your Sourdough mother been fermenting?

Our sourdough mother was created in 2016 from a traditional French recipe and method.

What are your donuts made from?

Our donuts are made from a sweet dough recipe containing potato.

Is your bread Dairy Free?

All our standard sourdough, Ciabatta, and rye loaves are all Vegan & Dairy Free, our Grain loaves Have had egg wash on the top for grains to stick, and our wholemeal and White bread contains a small portion of real unsalted butter.

Is your bread Gluten Free?

NO, we can not produce gluten free products as we have far to many flour particles floating around that can be harmful to a celiac. We sometimes have a range of Vegan & Gluten, Dairy, Nut, free products made and brought in clear containers from a local Allergy Free Baker. Watch our social media for when these are available.

Why does my postcode not work when I want a delivery?

We can only deliver to certain suburbs and your postcode may not be one of them, but if you think it should be please contact us to ask or let us know.

What are your shop hours?

Monday – Friday

6am – 3:30pm

6am  -2:00pm

What is the phone number to txt your coffee order too?

0211132846 (do not forget your name with your order)

Can we order over phone?

Yes, you can ring (07)5430644.

Do you do same day delivery as order?

No, you must order before 8pm the night before you are wanting it delivered or wanting to collect it.

Do you make and decorate cakes? How do we order them?

Yes, we do, we do not do image cakes as we do not have an image printer, all cakes must be ordered instore or via email, to ensure we can cater to your full needs.

Do you use margarine or real butter for your pastries?

Real Butter… ONLY REAL BUTTER for all our products.

Do you have sugar in your bread?

Only our Dutch sultana loaf contains sugar, all our remaining breads do not contain any sugar.

Do you have fat in your breads?

No we use real butter in the breads that need a fat content, such as wholemeal.

What is a Dutch Bolus?

A Dutch bolus is a sweet dough rolled in brown sugar and cinnamon roughly 3 or 4 times then rolled up and baked.

What Cheese do you put in your Ham & Cheese Croissants?


What is the New York Rye?

Our new York rye is a Dark rye loaf containing Dark rye malt, rye flour, rye sourdough and caraway seeds.

Is your bakery Dog Friendly?


Do you have tables & chairs?

Yes inside and out.